Coldfusion was the very first enterprise web application server ACC specialised in - we have been involved in Coldfusion since the Allaire days, through Macromedia, and on to Adobe. It's true, Coldfusion is not as popular today as it was ten years ago, but it's still very much an active server technology, and one of our favourite to host. Others may not feel the same way!
There are many Coldfusion applications, some completely legacy, which do present challenges to IT departments and hosting operations that are not familiar with Coldfusion's inner workings and particular hosting challenges. So if you are in need of a safe pair of hands to place your Coldfusion app - we've been there, done that - you have come to the right place!
Don't let your hosting provider tell you that Coldfusion is an unreliable or buggy application server - that's simply not the case and all good Coldfusion developers (of which we know quite a few) would say the truth is very much the opposite. If understood properly by a skilled Coldfusion developer, a weeks work in PHP or .NET can be rattled off in a few hours using Coldfusion and this is still the case today. The problem with Coldfusion and where its reputation might have suffered, is that it's an easy language to make things work, but work 'badly' - in such a way that the application might fail if placed under load. Coldfusion developers will tell you this is true of any programming language, just in those cases, the code would simply 'fail' altogether, whereas Coldfusion is more forgiving of bad coding techniques, just the result is that over time, if such bad code is not spotted and weeded out, things can go slightly pear shaped.
Like with many of our APP:Host offering, APP:Host Coldfusion comes with a staging server included in the package. You can therefore deploy your staging code, upgrade server O/S and Coldfusion components without worrying about the impact of doing so in production.
No matter what state your Coldfusion application is in, we will host it and unlike the vast majority of other hosting outfits out there, we work with you & your development team to improve the situation, whether it be in providing you better logging and diagnostics, traffic management and offloading technologies to reduce server load, or even help on code & query structures.
So whether it's because your development team has decided to give Coldfusion 2016 a go, or perhaps, you have 'inherited' a mature Coldfusion app and you just want someone to 'keep the lights on' - our APP:Host Coldfusion service has a Coldfusion specific service offering to suit your requirements.
ACC support an extremely wide range of platforms on which to run Coldfusion on, far too many to list on this page. Depending on whether you are using Coldfusion Standard or Coldfusion Enterprise for instance, the latter only supports J2EE deployments for instance. So we need to know a little more about your requirements before providing specifications and costs, so please don't hesitate to get in touch with us so we can impress you!