Web Serving: LiteSpeed Web Server provides a combination of innovative features, exceptional scalability, outstanding performance, Apache compatibility and application-level cache acceleration.
Load Balancing: LiteSpeed offers a load balancing solution that distributes traffic while also making your web farm 10x faster. Their Load Balancer is the first ADC with HTTP/2 and QUIC integration, ESI Caching and much more.
Web App Accelerations: Their standard compliant ESI cache engine, allows LiteSpeed to implement complex caching solutions to match current highly dynamic web applications.
Litespeed Wed ADC is a highly efficient and cost-effective product. In comparison to its competitors, with hardware and software at higher loads, and with the flexible subscription model, Litespeed ADC offers almost instant, on-demand scaling adaptab READ MORE
LiteSpeed’s lightweight web server maintains system resources whilst also achieving the same high standards of performance, security, compatibility and convenience. READ MORE