

Web Serving: LiteSpeed Web Server provides a combination of innovative features, exceptional scalability, outstanding performance, Apache compatibility and application-level cache acceleration. 

Load Balancing: LiteSpeed offers a load balancing solution that distributes traffic while also making your web farm 10x faster. Their Load Balancer is the first ADC with HTTP/2 and QUIC integration, ESI Caching and much more.

Web App Accelerations: Their standard compliant ESI cache engine, allows LiteSpeed to implement complex caching solutions to match current highly dynamic web applications. 

LiteSpeed Products

Traffic Management

LiteSpeed Web ADC

Litespeed Wed ADC is a highly efficient and cost-effective product. In comparison to its competitors, with hardware and software at higher loads, and with the flexible subscription model, Litespeed ADC offers almost instant, on-demand scaling adaptab READ MORE

LiteSpeed Web Server

LiteSpeed’s lightweight web server maintains system resources whilst also achieving the same high standards of performance, security, compatibility and convenience. READ MORE